RBS to Split Its Investment Banking Division from Consumer-Facing Business
Major changes are about to happen in Royal Bank of Scotland’s investment banking divisions. The organization is about to rename its own investment bank as part of future plans to comply with “ringfencing” regulations. NatWest Markets’ renaming is designed to protect taxpayers from having to find solutions for bailing out a bank.
Clients with more than 25 billion British pounds of deposits should hive off any consuming-facing business from any investment banking activities that involve a certain amount of risk under the rules. This new rule will come into force in 2019, reports Emma Dunkley for The Financial Times.
In order to achieve the bulk of its western European and UK banking business within the end of 2018, the Royal Bank of Scotland creates a holding company called NatWest Holdings that will be put in exploitation start of next year.
This major change helps compromising RBS’s personal, business and commercial and private costumers, as well as the Coutts, two Ulster bank divisions along with NatWest.