International Finance Institute | Blog
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International Finance Institute Blog

Investment Banking in New York

When it comes to investment banking, perhaps the first city that is granted to come to one’s mind is New York. With Wall Street having become a synonym for the whole industry, it is hardly surprising that the city has been attracting the best investment bankers not only from every corner of the US but […]


2015 Poised for a Wall Street Comeback!

Wall Street Aims to Restore Former Glory With 2015 just kicking in, hopes are high that Wall Street will be restored to its former pre-crisis glory and that investment banks will really start living up to their image of handling giant M&A deals and paying out huge bonuses, which has been tarnished in the post-crisis […]


Investment Banking in Hong Kong

While New York and London might be the most traditional locations one usually associates with investment banking, the fast-growing Asian economies and particularly China are necessitating geographically closer alternatives to Wall Street and the City. Those alternatives are Singapore, known as the “billionaire’s paradise”, and Hong Kong, whose location has turned it into one of […]


Why Do People Become Investment Bankers?

It’s not all about the money, it’s just mostly about the money… While some might consider this a rhetorical question, with some of the reasons being quite obvious, there are in fact quite a few factors besides the massive bonuses and paychecks which might make one choose a career in investment banking. What is more, […]


Investment Banking in London

London? To borrow a line from Guy Ritchie’s classic movie “Snatch”: “Yes, London, You know: fish, chips, cup ‘o tea, bad food, worse weather”… and some pretty good investment banking career options. Neck and neck with New York for the “finance capital of the world” title, London is one of the top locations out there […]


What Does a 1st Year Investment Banking Analyst Do?

While getting an analyst job at an investment bank might seem like finding the Holy Grail, few aspiring investment bankers actually spend time thinking past the point where they enter into a contract with the institution of their choice. Still, with the title of Analyst being one of the most common entry-level jobs that you […]


IFI North America

71 West 23rd Street
250 Yonge Street
Two Prudential Plaza
100 Pine Street
Oppenheimer Tower

IFI Europe

Hanover Square
+44 20 3468 5030
Mainzer Landstraße
+49 69 9579 8906
Business Centre OBC Suisse
+41 44 508 3376
Interpred, WTC
+359 2 489 0124

IFI World

137 Cecil Street
+65 3158 2044
Queen's Road
+852 3973 3924
N Mandela Sq
+27 11 568 2369
Bligh Centre
+61 29 119 2946

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